Maralex translations, through the quality of the team formed over time and through the cultivated attitude we show, provides all clients with translations of the best quality in over 25 languages of international circulation.
We know that one has to be very reliable in order to be successful on a difficult market like ours.
But for us, the concepts that have been the actuator of the office since the beginning are involvement and dedication. Challenges are not an obstacle for us but rather a stimulus to grow.
An authorized translation is the type of translation that must be performed by an authorized translator. In most cases, clients need an authorized translation, not a certified one. In this situation, the translated document does not require legalization.
The Apostille is a certificate issued by the competent authorities of a signatory state to the Hague Convention.
The superlagalization of a document ins done in the case of an official instrument issued by the Romanian authorities and to be used in a state that is not part of the states included in the Hague Convention adopted on October 5, 1961 abolishing the requirement of superlegalization for foreign public documents.
The process of signing certain documents by certain state institutions can sometimes be difficult and time consuming, and time is what you don’t have.
The process of signing certain documents by certain state institutions can sometimes be difficult and time consuming, and time is what you don’t have.
The endorsement of documents at embassies proves to be, in some cases, such a demanding and even exhausting procedure.